Chicken Coop Plans Egg Box. Easy to Make Nesting Boxes for Chickens - Chicken Egg Laying Boxes - Chicken Egg Production. In fact, BackyardChicken alone (one of the biggest online chicken owner communities) has Nesting box - this is where your hens will lay their eggs. It will take you through each step of building the chicken house including how to build the nesting boxes. A complete list of amazing chicken coop nesting boxes ideas with pictures so you can find the best one for your backyard.

There are Backyard Chicken Coops, Colorful and Architectural Coops, and even some Outrageous Coops.
This chicken coop also provides a separated nesting box, a remarkable ramp for the chickens, a basket. Woodworking
Our chicken coop plans are drawn to help you easily build a chicken coop. Many coops have nest boxes which are accessible from the outside, to encourage chickens to lay where the eggs can be easily collected. Chickens need a place to lay eggs.