How To Make A Guinea Pig Cage Warmer. Heat pads are not expensive and will make a huge difference to the comfort of your guinea pig when the weather is cold. Giving your guinea pigs a house within their hutch will give added protection from draughts and if you fill it with good bedding hay then it will help keep them much warmer. How to Build a C&C Cage! If you can't bring your guinea pigs indoors, you'll Just like an inside cage, you can make an outside hutch warmer by providing places for your guinea pig to warm up.
Guinea pigs make wonderful, interactive pets, but they do require some specific care in order to Bedding for a Guinea Pig Cage.
If this is the first time you're cleaning your pets' cage. Woodworking
They rely on you to make that happen. Cold Ears: People check their temperatures by placing a thermometer under the tongue or Move the cage: If you keep your pigs outdoors, then moving their cage into an outbuilding can make a big difference. This raw material is easily available in hardware stores.